Jesus said,
'I was hungry and you gave me food,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
When you do it to one of the least of these,
you do it to me.'
Matthew 25:35a, 40b
In this well-known passage from Matthew's Gospel, Jesus identifies himself with those who are struggling to survive. He is encouraging his followers to do the same, and to reach out in love to feed the hungry and homeless and provide for their basic needs. In these challenging times, more people than ever are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Volunteers at the Daylight Centre in Wellingborough are seeing daily demand for food parcels growing week-by-week.
How can you help?
You can help to keep the Daylight Centre's store cupboard stocked with essential items. The table below shows the items most in need at this time. We will update this list on a regular basis. When you go out to do your once a week shop, why not pick up some of these items on your way round the store. You can then drop them into the grey/green foodbank container behind the tills at Tesco and Sainsbury's in Wellingborough, or at one of our two village drop-off points.
Mears Ashby and Hardwick - 12 Wellingborough Road, Mears Ashby (plastic box, in greenhouse)
Sywell and Overstone - 67 Overstone Road, Sywell (red box, in car port at bottom of drive)
You'll find the collection boxes out each morning.
Daylight Centre needs:
Here are the items needed by the Daylight Centre's Foodbank. Blue = Urgent.
Due to the high-level of demand for food parcels, stocks are low across a range of essential items. Priorities for this week are: i) Instant Noodles, 2) Pots of Jelly, 3) Biscuits and 4) Pot Noodles. Thank you for all of your donations and prayers. Do keep supporting the foodbank, if you can.
Tins / Cans | Jars | Pots, Packets & Dried Foods |
Cartons/ Bottles |
Baked beans |
Coffee (100g) Jam Peanut Butter Marmalade Marmite Meat Paste Fish Paste Pasta Sauce Hot Chocolate |
Angel Delight |
Long Life Fruit Juice UHT Milk - Semi-skimmed and Whole Other items: Hair Conditioner |
You can also help by making a financial donation to the Daylight Centre to help cover the cost of the ready meals service and fill gaps on their store cupboard shelves. All you need do is follow this LINK, mark your donation "Foodbank" and, if you're a tax payer, sign up to Gift Aid your donation.
If you have any questions about the Daylight Centre or its Foodbank, or would like to volunteer with them, you can contact the centre on this email address: Alternatively, I can put you in touch with James and Alison, who are co-ordinating the donations across our villages.
Bless you for your support. Do keep the Daylight Centre in your prayers.
Revd Katrina