United Benefice of
Mears Ashby, Hardwick,
and Sywell with Overstone

Our Vicar
Revd Katrina Hutchins

01604 812907

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Revd Katrina writes

In our Fellowship Group, we have started to watch episodes of The Chosen.  It is a TV series that brings the Gospel stories to life.  One scene at a recent gathering really moved me.  It was the story of the healing of a leper.  As in the Covid-19 pandemic, the disciples were too scared to go anywhere near this poor man.  He was a true outcast.  He knelt down and begged for healing.  But Jesus, he was not only willing to get close to the sufferer of this horrible disease, he knelt down in front of the man and touched him.  What compassion is this!  After healing him, Jesus gave the man a hug.  It was incredibly beautiful to witness.

This is who God is.  The one who will come close to us when others are afraid to do so.  Who will listen to us, hold us, hug us and restore us so that we no longer feel lost and alone.  This is the incredible compassion of God the Father and Son made real for us by his Spirit in us.  It is God's free gift to you and me.  May this be a source of fresh strength and peace and hope.

As we are blessed so we should bless.  Who do you know is in need of your incredible compassion?  Who in the news needs your prayers of compassion and little acts of loving kindness? 

May we keep on transforming the world around us by our incredible Christ-like compassion.

Every blessing,

Revd Katrina


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