United Benefice of
Mears Ashby, Hardwick,
and Sywell with Overstone

Our Vicar
Revd Katrina Hutchins

01604 812907

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Prayers and Reflections

Generous God,
you give us gifts and make them grow:
though our faith is small as mustard seed,
make it grow to your glory
and the flourishing of your kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Collect for Trinity 7

Today, we have two contrasting Bible passages - one which shows us a perfect kingship, Christ our King, and one which shows us the fallibility of human leaders, King Herod.  The readings feel very timely as we welcome a new Prime Minister and look forward to the changes that his government will make.  It is an opportunity for us to pray for our leaders as we look forward to a time when there is unity and peace across the globe.

May you be inspired by these reflections.

Every blessing,

Revd Katrina (Vicar)

Click HERE for this week's Prayers and Reflections: Trinity 7.

Click HERE for my contact details.

Our next edition will be out in time for July 21st - Trinity 8.

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