United Benefice of
Mears Ashby, Hardwick,
and Sywell with Overstone

Our Vicar
Revd Katrina Hutchins

01604 812907

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Revd Katrina writes

Happy New Year!  The start of a new year is a time when we take a closer look at our lives.  What is it that you'd like to change about yourself or your daily habits in 2025?  Or, perhaps, more importantly, how is God inviting you to journey with him over the next twelve months?  I wonder how this question might affirm or amend your New Year's resolution.  My resolution is to spend more time in stillness and reflection as I try to walk more closely with the one who is my guiding star in life.  It is all to easy to get caught up in the busyness of life that I can forget to pause during the day to check where his Star is leading me.  Daily, I need to ask myself, 'Do my priorities for today reflect his Spirit's call on my life?'

Bishop Debbie has designated 2025 as the Year of Prayer.  It feels like my resolution is in tune with this.  I am excited about the possibilities to build on and develop the benefice's prayer life as well as my own.  Watch this space for ideas, opportunities and resources.

Every blessing,

Revd Katrina


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