After the glorious joy and light of Candlemas, our attentions turn towards the cross. It is time for us to prepare for our 40 day pilgrimage through Lent. We begin with the calling of Simon the Fisherman. Unlike Lord Sugar on The Apprentice, Jesus isn't looking for someone who gets the best results or who has a strong business plan. No! Thankfully for us, Jesus is happy to work with someone who makes mistakes (and we all do make mistakes). Simon fished all night without catching anything. In The Apprentice's eyes, this would make him a failure. Jesus sees that Simon is willing to listen to him, to trust and respect him, and to learn from him. Simon has what it takes to make a great apprentice.
For me, and I hope for you too, this is a message of hope. Jesus loves us for who we are, all of our faults and flaws as well as our strengths and skills. He can work with our failures and help us to grow through them. He'll never reject us or say 'You're fired!'. We all have worth in his eyes. It is why as say 'Yes!' to him. Yes to being lifelong learners.
May this inspire you when, like Simon, you have an off day.
Every blessing,
Revd Katrina