Lent has begun! It is a season when we take a close look at our lives and seek to strengthen our daily walk with the one who gives us life. Jesus chose to do just this by going out into the wilderness for forty days and forty nights. Picture a desert scene. So much of what we depend on is missing - family, friends and companions, food and water, shelters and sheltering trees. Burning hot by day, chilly cold by night, is this a place where you'd choose to go? Perhaps not, but some of the children at a pre-Lent collective worship loved the idea of the peace and calm away from siblings or classmates. We all do need some alone time in our lives. Where do you go to be free from distractions? Do make the time to go there, daily if you can, during Lent.
May you enjoy the space that Lent offers to spend time alone, like Jesus, in prayer and reflection. May this Lent be a fruitful one.
Every blessing,
Revd Katrina